Sunday, August 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Although you haven't seen a Menu Plan posted here for a while
I have indeed been planning them; and to my surprise I've
been "couponing" at Meijer instead of going to Aldi...
And it's been saving me money!
(Plus, the variety has been nice, too)

Lunch- French Toast, Mixed Fruit
Dinner- Sausage, Creamy Polenta, Green Salad

Lunch- Pasta Salad
Dinner- BBQ Chicken Wings, Carrots & Celery

Lunch- Chicken & Walnut salad in Pita Bread
Dinner- Roast, Potatoes, Carrots

Lunch- PB & J, Watermelon
Dinner- Grilled Chicken, Rice, Cucumber Salad

Lunch- Do Overs
Dinner- Grilled Pita Bread Pizzas

Lunch- Waffles, Cantalope
Dinner- Hot Dogs, Bodacious Broccoli Salad

Lunch- TBA
Dinner- Tacos, Chips

For more ideas check out Menu Plan Monday at

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love your menu ideas! I have a difficult time making a family menu for our house, as we have a couple very picky eaters, my four year old, and me!

Any suggestions? I'm really not that bad, I just don't eat meat, never have, and unless Jesus changes me, it won't happen. Michael on the other hand pretty much lives on a diet of granola cereal, chicken nuggets, and oatmeal! Oh, and a few other things like chocolate and french fries (sigh).