Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Talk-To-Myself... WEDNESDAY?

My family says 

I talk to myself, 
but actually I'm 
just thinking out loud! 
Here's what I've 
been thinking...)

I started typing out several things on my mind for this post and then
suddenly realized that it's Wednesday... not Tuesday.
O dear. This realization fits perfectly with several other 
things listed below.  Some of you may now feel the deep
calling in your heart to pray for me.... Please... do!  :)

- When my kids were using an online dictionary that says
the pronunciation of the word out loud.. it's hard to scold them
for looking up words like "poop" and "fart" for several reasons:
1. It makes me laugh , too
2. I spilled hot tea down the front of me and proceeded to
blurt out, "Oh, Poopy!"  
(Maybe someday I'll grow up!  ha!)

- My friend, Nancy, informed me (while laughing hardily)
that the phone message I'd left her last week saying, "Sorry
to call you on a Wednesday evening..."  was actually left
on THURSDAY!  What?  I'm losing it!

- Our Christmas letter that never happened was going to be
a "New Year's" letter, but now I'm thinkin' that Valentine's Day
is highly underrated & that I nice family letter would be most
appropriate.  (Good Grief)

- A Christmas Tree that's decorated in all Red & White
would make a nice Valentine's Tree, don't you think?
(UGH! It's coming down tonight!!!)

- Yesterday was National Clean Off Your Desk Day... so I 
started doing it this morning... and found a Thank You note
that I thought I'd mailed TWO months ago.  Oh Dear. 

- Oh NO!  While finding the link to the "Nat'l Clean your Desk"
thing (above) I realized that the official day was actually NOT
yesterday, but the day before that.  This is getting serious? right?

- I used to joke that my motto was, "Why do anything the easy way
when you can make it more complicated."  It's apparently not
as much of a joke as I thought.  (Help!) 

- As I walked down the stairs from my little boys' very cool
and incredibly toy-littered bedroom my frustration mounted
(maybe it was the Planet Hero that jabbed the bottom of my
foot... again!)
But, whatever the reason, I was complaining/apologizing
to God (you know how we do that...
 the whiny pathetic "Help-me-Jesus-cuz-I'm-really-letting-You-down" stuff) 
and He quietly asked me,
"Are the important things in your life in order?"
Well, I did a verbal rundown (I talk to myself, remember) of my 
walk with Jesus, my marriage, our children... etc....
OK, for real, Lord, please forgive me for complaining & putting
emphasis on what is NOT lasting & for putting myself down. 

- Summary... maybe I'm a little sleep deprived... or something... Ha!
Either way, I'm spending wonderful time with Jesus each morning as
always, laughing like usual and loving my life!!!

So, it's all good.  

hee hee 


Mary Beth said...

I'm glad we are soul sisters. So... What day is it again? Love you Netta.

pants and colleen said...

Colleen and I laughed our butts off while reading this together! We love you... you are an inspiration! ;)

Zachary said...

Ha, that's awesome! I think I can connect with this on so many levels... possibly too many! =P