Monday, January 3, 2011

Menu Plan Monday, Jan. 3, 2011 & (Weird Holidays?)

I'm SOOOOO bored with menus,
food and cooking. Inspiration was needed.
So... I planned meals around National "Holidays"
and other interesting (but often not terribly important)
facts. Turns out, I've printed coloring sheets for my
little ones & made some homeschool lessons plans
that will coinside with the food we're eating.
Strange, but somehow it turned into the motivation
I so desperately needed.   Have fun!

Lunch- W. Wheat Waffles
Dinner-  TBA

Lunch- Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches (Nat'l G.W. Carver Day)
Dinner- Spaghetti (Nat'l Spaghetti Day)

Lunch- Veggies & Dip with Cheesy Roll-ups
Dinner- Chili (it's Nat'l Bean day afterall)

Lunch- Hoe Cakes (George & Martha Washington's Annivarsary)
Dinner- Little Mamas (it's my Mom's B-day, today)

Lunch- A BIG Salad w/French Fries
Dinner- Homemade W.Wheat Pizza

Lunch- Waffles, Cherries & Whip Cream
Dinner- Fried Green Beans, Turkey Ham, Bkd Potatoes

Lunch- Crock pot version of BBQ Chicken (Pres. Nixon's Bday)
Noodle, Carrots
Dinner- Do Overs of all kinds (Stephen Foster's Bday)

For more ideas see


Semalee said...

What a fun idea! I just might do something similar next week, if I remember- it is SEVEN days away LOL ;) Thanks for your comment on my blog :)

Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

Cheryl said...

What insight! I would have never thought to plan meals around holidays. I will be passing this along to my daughter for menu planning. My greatest dilemna (it's just the two of us now) is what kind of cereal are we having for dinner...ha ha!

Betsy said...

This is such a fun idea! My kids are going to love GW Carver's birthday. Thank you!

mohan37 said...

I could go for a wheat waffle right about now...