(My husband says this often)

Having a personal relationship with our Creator, Jesus Christ,
is the only way to find our real purpose.
Then, we live it.
Everything BIG or little thing we do should fall under
that purpose...therefore giving even the most mundance
task a deeper meaning & value.
That's why I've revised my missions statement.
Sometimes having a reminder of what's most important
and the guidelines to keep things in the right order is
what I need... it keeps me sane & free from guilt of
"not doing enough." (and the mistake of doing much)
Here's how I've done it for years. It's a combo
of things I've learned & been taught over the
years... it's certainly not original.
1. List the various things that I am
Example: God's daughter, Wife, Mom, a person,
homemaker, Pastor's wife/mentor, daughter, friend, etc...
2. Stated my main purpose in that role
Example: "I am alive to love God, to know & enjoy Him
and to serve Him always in all areas of my life."
Example 2: "I am completely devoted to my husband..."
3. State several specific things under each point that
I'm committed to doing that will carry out the stated purpose
Example: "Continue AM time w/God, Memorize weekly,
fast monthly," etc...
Example 2: Cheerfully encourage & help..."
4. Keep Statement in my planner & refer to it each week
as I schedule my time.
This keeps me on track, doing what is MOST important
and of greatest value.
Be encouraged.
Be purposeful.
Everything holds meaning when it falls into the greater
scoop of God's purpose for our lives.
How do you stay focused on the important?
Wow! I love this. It is simple and to the point. That is what I need. I tend to complicate things thereby getting myself ovetwhelmed and then discouraged.
So happy this encouraged you, Kimberly. Thanks for commenting.
Happy New Year.
Great idea Netta! I love this:)
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