Jesus speaks to me in a language I understand.
This week He spoke through my iron... more or less.
(and I hardly used it all week.. hee hee)
Paul said...
"I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the
heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."
Phil. 3:14
The greek word means "aggressively chase, like a hunter pursuing a catch"
I don't relate to hunting. Nor do I usually chase after anything too aggressively.
(unless my kids are hurt, then I may bust into a sprint... don't laugh!)
But thankfully I speak the language of the other kind of press...
1. Ironing - takes what's already washed & improves it
Yes, Jesus washed away my sin, but He's always wanting
to change me & make me better.
2. Ironing - flattens puffiness... pride
3. Ironing - smoothes the bumps & creases...
the inconsistencies in my life & character
4. Ironing- requires heat that is "ouchy" but totally
necessary. Painful times are needed.
5. Ironed Garment- reflects the one who is inside of it...
I will not fight against difficult times, but walk through them
knowing that Jesus is ironing me into a reflection of Him.
(Now, take one of these points and insert it into the verse above
in place of the word press. For example, #2,
"I will flatten my pride so that I will reach the end of the race...")
Great analogy Netta. Now... If only it would press out my wrinkles.
I wasn't sure how the iron was going tobfit in, but that was actually a great illustration! Thanks!
That's awesome! I love how I can always see the personality in your blogs. Wow, who'd have thought: "Ironing, that'll preach!" ha.
i love it, netta! I love you and miss you already! today in a store i saw a lady that looked like you and wanted to hug her. :)
I will smooth the inconsistencies in my life and character so that I may finish the race and reach my heavenly goal.
That's a beautiful. Thanks!
I definetly think the Iron analogy rocks!!!
Love it!! Love you! Love your blog :-)
I will allow God to iron out the wrinkles of hidden fears and insecurities in my life so that I may finish the race and reach my heavenly goal!
LOVE IT!!! God actually spoke to me through about a foot of snow. i had to go into the back yard and i didn't have on the proper "snow shoes" but there was already a set of footprints i could easily walk in without getting all the yucky snow in my shoes and socks. God places ppl in our lives to prewalk the deep snow for us so that our journey may be smoother and a little warmer. matt 11:10 "I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you"
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