My family tells me I talk to myself...
I prefer to think of it as "thinking outloud!"
Either way, here's what I've been saying...
- Having our friends, Troy & Noelle, and their adorable
little ones with us this weekend blessed my gizzard!
Their love, dedication, patience & commitment encouraged
me. Plus, just being able to actually hug people that I love,
instead of just sending cyber hugs, was WONDERFUL!
Lots of happy tears were shed... by me!
Oh, and if you want to give toward their mission to
Belfast, Northern Ireland, click here! (They're moving
to Belfast in June!)
- When I'm feeling overwhelmed it's usually cuz I'm thinking
about myself only.
- Sometimes... just sometimes, when I'm feeling overwhelmed it's
because I really do need a break... usually plain ol REST!
- Thankful to my Man who gave me a needed rest yesterday
while he took the kids to the Zoo & beyond. Thanks!
- Praying in the Spirit MORE!
- Missing my friend, Jodi!
- Looking forward to having the Real Church Midtown campus meet
together with the Hamtramck campus for a little while as we
await the Midtown Miracle.
- My little Boy is gunna be a Ring Bearer this weekend
and I can't wait to see him in his Tuxedo. Too cute!
- I need to get something decent to wear to Mariah's graduation...
there's isn't a section in dept. stores entitled "Mother of the Graduate"
is there? Hopefully NOT!!!
- Been playing phone-tag with my Mom for days. This is crazy!
- Only a few more weeks of homeschooling left this year! YIPPEE!!!!
- In I Thess. Paul speaks of how the enemy kept him from going
to see them. It's changing the way I'm praying about the Midtown
Building. JESUS is more powerful than the strong forces of evil
in Detroit. (If that sounds too super spiritual to you... um)
- Already sent Mother's Day gifts to My Mom & Mom-in-Law!
This may be a record for me.
Usually I mail stuff on Wed. before the holiday.
What's been on your mind lately?
I know there's lots of you who read my blog (you tell me you do),
so why not leave a short comment about stuff going on in your head!
Searching for the purpose in all the craziness.
Layed on the back porch last night and prayed till I almost froze. My upstairs neighbor probably thinks I'm a psycho.
Choose to smile daily.
I put on eyeshadow just to go to the dollar store.
Still tickled that my bulk day "junk" was gone before the trucks came.
Sorting my dreams from His plans. His are always so much better.
My kids make me laugh like crazy.
They also make me want to clothes line them like I'm crazy.
Sorry you asked now?
Love ya :-D
I LOVE you, Sonya!
and I"m NOT sorry I asked what was on your mind!
mmmm... enjoying my friends here in sunny Cali
Missing my friends and family in the D - yes I know it's only been a few days
Excited about what's next!
Looking forward to spending some time (42 hours to be exact) listening to my Jesus and dreaming GOD SIZED DREAMS!
I talk to myself to a lot too. What's been on my mind:
My new job.
Finding a new church home,I'm going through what I like to call "spiritual growing pains". Going to do my next blog entry on that subject.
My future plans.
I've commented on your blog before, I just have a new account.
this semester is just about OVER!!! hip hip hooray!
been trying this workout stuff... so far so good (its been 3 days)
Jesus thinks i'm cool and wants to hang with me... i don't get it :)
oh! and speaking blessing over people's lives that for so long i just wanted to head butt...can someone say breakthrough????
AND... maybe getting to see my twin soon!!! yay!!!
I agree with the homeschooling thought...almost done!
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