Recently my oldest daughter did some research for a class
regarding large families. Those opposed say that large families
leave "big carbon footprints" and that having a lot of children
is irresponsible & uses up too much of our resources. *
But, she also discovered in her studies:
Large families don't buy, spend or throw-away nearly as much
as an "average-sized" family does. Large families find new uses
for things, save more and waste less!
She found this proven true right here at home!
We're not huge recyclers (although we do recycle cans!),
but we fit the description of "large families" in the
above paragraph.
- Make MUCH of our own food products, so there's much
less tin cans, cardboard, plastic & chemicals brought into our home.
- Clean with Baking Soda, Vinegar & other types of products
- Reuse clothes (hand-me-downs, Baby!)
- Reuse sheets, fabric, table clothes, pillows, curtains,
worn-out clothes, etc by making them into various
other products for our family's use
-Use those horrid lightbulbs that save tons of money & energy
(but make everything look dark & gloomy after a few weeks!)
- Bring our own grocery bags to the store
- We're now making an effort to recycle more items & take
advantage of monthly drop off sites in our area. (Detroit
doesn't have curbside pick up for recycling. Bummer)
- and plenty of other things that I'm too rushed to think of now
Although I'm not a huge "Save-the-Earther", I wanna care for the
resources that God has given to us.... and this frees me up to focus
more even more important things/people....
"Saving the People of the Earth!"...
well, JESUS does the SAVING! I just do the telling & discipling!
* Note: I didn't take the time to link all the into to the sites
where we found it. Sorry. Pressed for time today.
hey you pretty much stole my sociology paper, haha(:
hehe they make newer energy saving bulbs that don't look depressing :) they cost more, but they still last pretty much forever. when you go to lowes or the dep-oh, there should be a display that demos the different bulbs!
I love my BIG family!
We conserve everything except LOVE - and that, ironically, is the thing that multiplies the most!
So, spend LOVE and you'll get MORE & MORE!
Amen. This is a great post. I hate that its generally assumed that if you're a conservative/christian, you are not green in any way shape or form! I really appreciate how much you reduce and reuse (and recycle a little bit.) We're caring for God's creation in the event that there are generations to come! Love ya!
Love it! Great Idea. Just checking out what great things your up to.
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I LOVE your big family! We are blessed to have curbside pick up for recycling and I use the reusable bags... but oh HOW MANY times I get to the checkout and realize I left them in the car... or at the back door... At least I am putting forth a grand effort. LOL
AND yes... saving the people... telling them about Jesus... you are right on friend. I loved this post.
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