Changing seasons bring FOG.
Our life is changing- but we're in a fog
We know where we're at,
but can't see what's ahead
And although we do know where we're at now
it's all fuzzy & seems unfamiliar
Fog changes ordinary into mysterious
Fog covers the obvious and triggers a
curiosity to understand what's behind it
and beyond it.
Fog pushes our thoughts past the regularity
into the unknown
Fog even decorates the plain with a mysterious desire for more
Requires caution
Move cautiously and with guidance
There's more on the other side of it
Currently Unseen
I'll walk through it
As the season transforms, I'm part of it
Fog Advisory.
Move and wait joyfully... at HIS command
mmmm... thanks for the encouragement! I'm so thankful you are part of my life!
So stinkin' awesome :)You put into words what I was thinking the other day when it was foggy on my way to work. I love you. You are the coolest!
jeremy and i are in a season of change and LOTS of fog! thanks for sharing this blog... i am e-mailing it to him know too! :)
love ya
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