We've all had many people who have left their
impressions on our lives. I'm so grateful for
those who have imprinted my life as a Child & Teen!
I'm thankful for... (in RANDOM order)

Mrs. Millie Bay, my Aunt, who used to sew Barbie clothes for
me as a child, created & built a dollhouse for Christmas one year,
laughed, loved and showed us all how to put out a great feast
with ease (with tables lined up all over her house!).
Mrs. Trisha Anderson who displayed gentleness & patience
when my teenage-instinct was anything but that.
And always welcomed me into her home.
Mrs. Cindy Steel who taught me much about "grown-up life"
but wrapped it all up in gut-busting laughter.
And always welcomed me into her home.
Mrs. Judy Young, cheerleading coach & teacher, who taught me
that I can never lead until I first learn to submit & follow.
(ouchy lessons) And I still hope to someday conquer that
stupid soft-shoe step she always tried to teach us! ha!
Mrs. Phyllis Robinson who cultivated my love for literature,
writing properly and the joy of working hard cuz someone was
expecting great things of you.
Mrs. Cindy Huey (my sister) who has loved me, hugged me,
laughed with me, believed in me and cheered me on from
the sidelines... even if those sidelines have been 100's of miles away.
Mrs. Luretta Bay, my Grandma, who loved all children,
found great joy in teaching us, had time to play games, made
great stovetop popcorn & let us eat pizza for breakfast,
had very soft skin & shared her love for jewelry with us.
I miss her.
Mrs. Doris Buxman who is every bit an "Aunt" to me. Loved on me.
Asked lotsa questions cuz she cared, feed me yummy meals cuz I
was always welcome at her table, and helped me enjoy the
"farm-life" when I went to her dairy.
Mrs. Pauletta Mickley, my Pastor's Wife & friends' Mom, who
showed me it's possible to be every-bit a lady while still being completely
called to the ministry. Loving her husband & family while leading,
preaching, directing, loving & caring for the church family.
Mrs. Marie Ann Hoke, my Grandma, whom I mostly know through
stories. Her strong and determined faith in Jesus inspires me
and encourages me to smile & find the best in things. (Her name
lives on in my daughter, Mariah and her middle name lives on in
Courtney's middle name)
"The Sisters." Those three adorable & generous sisters who each
taught a Sunday School class. For three years (in a row, I think)
we had one of them who'd invite us to their home for parties
and give us gifts at Christmastime. They spilled love on everyone!
Mrs. Norma Dunn, music teacher, who gave me opportunity
to sharpen & use the giftings invested in me. Some that would soon
after become my life's calling.
Mrs. Beth Burough, who taught children's church my entire
elementary years. Her (and her husband, Don, & a rotating team)
taught me songs that still play tunes of encouragement in my
head & heart, and their creativity (long before "kids ministry" was
"cool") inspired many ministry ideas in my own life.
"Teacher Buxman" who to this day I cannot actually remember
her first name, but was everyone's Sunday School teacher in early
elementary (or late preschool) years. We knew she loved us!
Mrs. Helen Hoke, my Aunt, who smiled at all of us cousins, and
seemed to find such joy in just observing us play.
Mrs. Joyce Fleenor, my piano teacher, who made learning fun,
who insisted on calling me "Netta Sue" and continually found
the good in my life. (And her gorgeous fingernails have left
a lasting impression, too. Not a week goes by that I don't do
my nails!)
Mrs. Daisy Crossiant, my Aunt, who always smells lovely,
laughs easily, prays for me and closed her kitchen often.
(I'm still trying to learn that last part!)
Mrs. Doni Kimble, my Aunt, who would play the piano at
family gatherings. And although everyones' singing was
kinda hard to listen to, I always admired her piano talents
and was inspired to keep practicing.
Mrs. Diane Garnsey, who showed me what colors look
good on me, how to apply makeup and that
I "should probably put on sweater cuz she's cold!" So Sweet!
Mrs. Linda Hoekman, who displayed love, loyality,
laughter & how to enjoy a good time without compromising!
Mrs. Kelly Reither, friend & cheerleading coach, who
proved her friendship many times and shared many
laughs and lotsa patience with me.
Mrs. Ruth Hoke, my Aunt, who proved that anyone
can fall in love with Jesus at any age and truly let
Him fill your life.
Mrs. Donna Hoke, my Aunt, who asks thoughtful questions
and remember what you've said the last time you talked
with her.
Mrs. Lisa Buxman, who taught me much through her honesty
about her life, marriage & family; and paid me to babysit
her adorable kids (Justin, Paige & Jaeda) that I love so
much I would've done it for free!
And of course...
Mrs. Martha Hoke, My MOM! It's SO hard to sum up all
that she's imprinted in my life! But ONE of the lessons
she lived out in front of me was faith & persistence!
Giving up wasn't an option. She pressed on, trusting
Jesus and never quitting!
(and about a zillion other things!)

My 5 children reflect the many attributes of these ladies
& lessons learned from them.
If you're in MY life then you've probably been
indirectly effected by these woman as well.
"Thank You, JESUS, for all the wonderful ladies
who invested in my life!"
(and thank YOU for reading this all they way
to the end!)
Hey, this is coach writing for the Mrs. She said she is humbled by your words and "is she sure she's talking about me!" Love that we are still in touch. Now I've read your blog, have you read mine? The first person james was actually written while we were in Colorado!
"Stop! And let me tell you... what the Lord has done for me..." I loved your list, Netta... I started childrens' church on what I think was Don and Beth's last Sunday teaching, and remember you and your mom teaching it for the longest time after that. I accepted Jesus in childrens' church (Children's Church? Childrens Church? Whatever) at the ripe old age of 5. I was cast as a snail and got painted green to match your brother in "The Music Machine" in childrens' church. I got a bloody nose because I "couldn't keep my finger outta there" in childrens' church, and your mom had to take me to the ladies restroom (*gasp*) to fix me and bring me back to childrens' church. And I remember a certain talented ventriloquist saying goodbye to the kids in childrens' church before she left for college, crying and yet still able to make Alfred/Albert/Rupert whatever-his-name-was seem alive and real. You made a big mark yourself, so thank you for what you've invested in others lives!
Jerimy Sherin
WOW! Thanks for the wonderful reminders... (and I'm crying to know that you accepted Jesus in Children's Church.) How AWESOME!
I'll be sure to tell "Alfred/Albert/Rupert" (aka - Hershal) that you still remember him!)
Thanks, Jerimy!
Happy Thanksgiving to you & your beautiful family!
what a great list!
Beautiful - and fun to read, because you've mentioned so many of them over the years (over the FIFTEEN years THIS WEEK that I've known you!)
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