and it's happened! THANK YOU, JESUS!
I'm going to post what my husband put up on
his blog... he said it well...
"Friends, for several months I’ve been talking about,
praying about and hinting about our next church
plant in midtown Detroit. We have been believing
for God to miraculously provide a place for us.
Well… (drum roll please)…

Yes, that’s right, God is providing us a church right on one
of the main intersections of Detroit’s midtown area. It’s right
across the street from Wayne State University
(over 30,000 students) and also part of the
Woodbridge area of the city.
(Netta's note: This web link says it's a "street car suburb...
it's's IN Detroit. )
Here’s the miracle: It’s being provided to us for FREE –
not to use, rent or borrow but to OWN!
God has laid it on a man’s heart to purchase this property for us!
It includes a large auditorium, 12 apartments,
office building, 3-story school, gymnasium, parking lot and more!
We hope to sign papers this week and then close 30 days after that…
our projected opening will be October 10, 2009
– yes, THIS FALL – which is the 5 year anniversary of Real Church.
I’ll share more stories and video with you in the near future.
I’ll also share opportunities for you to get involved in helping us
– we’ll need MORE miracles (lots of them)
– equipment, construction, finances
-cleaning/painting, prayer, outreach, etc. – plus, PEOPLE!
Maybe God will lay it upon your heart to join us right here in the city!
Post high school students should check out Xmin Academy
and adults, of any age, are welcome to serve in our
new church community – stay connnected at: Real Church online!
Please share this blog with ANYONE & EVERYONE
– it’s a MIRACLE!
What incredible news! Such a blessing! Jud and I are celebrating with you. Excited to hear about how God will use it in the future!
It is done! I've sent this out to just about everyone that's on my contact list and I've extended invitations to them all to attend an upcoming service. I'm gonna have a lot of follow-up to do within the next several weeks.
Once again, I am so excited about what God is doing here in this city!
Luv ya & I'm standing with ya!
Steve & Brooke drove us past this, on Sunday before we left Detroit- WOW!!! I am so excited to see what God is doing Detroit!
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