A toddler
A pre-schooler
An elementary-age
A Jr. Higher
A High Schooler
And I love to read...so reading for pleasure falls way
down on the "to-do" list. BUT...
I got a great book... TWO actually.
One to read, One to GIVE ... maybe to YOU!

I flipped through it.
I got sucked in.
It's easy to read.
It won't take me long to devour it.
Below is the summary from the publishing company.
Do you want it the FREE copy?
Read the summary & then tell me how you make
time to read. I'll give the book away on Wed. Aug. 12th.
SUMMARY; In the everyday stretch and squeeze of motherhood,
Tricia Goyer often feels smooshed by the demands of life.
In Blue Like Play Dough, she shares her unlikely journey
from rebellious, pregnant teen to busy wife and mom with
big dreams of her own. As her story unfolds, Tricia realizes
that God has more in store for her than she has ever
imagined possible. Sure, life is messy and beset by doubts.
But God keeps showing up in the most unlikely places–
in a bowl of carrot soup, the umpteenth reading of
Goodnight Moon, a woe-is me teen drama,
or play dough in the hands of a child.
In Tricia’s transparent account, you’ll find understanding,
laughter, and strength for your own story.
And in the daily push and pull, you’ll learn to recognizes
the loving hands of God at work in your life…
and know He has something beautiful in mind.
Ok, tell me how you make time to read.
I have Four boys from the ages of 7-13 and own my own business with my husband and so finding time is hard and challenging. Through finding my one and only husband he helped me realize the importance of relaxing and finding time for myself. When i finished my first book all the way through for the first time in 13 years it felt like a big accomplishment. Plus I actually felt I had relaxing times. From then on I have Read alot of variety of books anad am always lookikng for books that will help my life be more organized as well as know I am not the only one out there!
Well, you know I have 2 small kids & 1 on the way. I don't really do a good job at making time to read (except the Bible, which can also be a challenge at times). However, the best times I find to read are: 1. When the kids are napping, 2. When they go to bed at night, or 3. When I'm nursing my baby to sleep & have "nothing else to do". This book sounds really good (especially that it's an easy read) but honestly... maybe I could just borrow yours after you're done? :)
It sounds like a great book. I'm with you, Netta. As a mother of four, reading "fun" books has been way down on my list. In the last 14 years I could probably count the number of "pleasure" books I have read on my hands. I get up early to have my quiet time but that's as far as my reading and quiet time has gone. However, this summer I have discovered a new love of reading and after my kids go to bed and I get my stuff done, I take a few minutes to relax and read instead of turning on the TV before going to bed. I have found that it gives me something to look forward to each day and I generally fall asleep more quickly.
Sounds like a fun book - maybe I can flip through your copy in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!! Oh - I read the Bible in the morning and/or during nap time and other books after Brian falls asleep. It takes me so long to fall asleep myself that I started reading instead of tossing and turning! LOVE YOU!!
With little Will being only 5wks old, I don't have much free time...but during those rare moments that he's asleep and I'm not asleep with him, I try and grab a few chapters of whatever book is at the top of the stack on the coffee table. I've managed to finish a whole book since he's been born! Since becoming a mommy I find that I enjoy the quiet enjoyment of a book to the mind numbing drone of a television.
I have to make time while warming up and cooling down on the treadmill while I am exercising since that is my time.
I steal it :-)
..from the dishes or the messy bathroom.
I have a lock on my bedroom door to keep my kids out when the book gets good (my kids are 10 & 11 so they'll be okay).... Read More
I use waiting room and bus time.
I learned to say "Later" a long time ago. It was either that take a trip to the crisis center.
I am gonna grab it up
its kind of bad, but i get consumed with books, so very often it becomes my priority... guilty! But i really do enjoy it when i do it. But i would maybe like to borrow your copy sometime. (I guess it might be a long wait though lol =)
Well I'm on maternity leave right now so I have managed to read 4 books since I had my daughter. Unfortunatley, I don't get as much time to read lately b/c she is so cranky and fussy from teething. I try to find time to read whenever I can spare a moment, and if it's a really good book I try my hardest to find the time.
Nap Time... that is how I make time to read. Nap Time is my salvation! ggriffith20@hotmail.com
Hey Netta:) I just realized that I am an hour behind. Oh well. How are you? Miss you:)Love you.
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