to be with my Mom while she's recovering from a knee
replacement surgery. (She's doing well)
Between visiting relatives & going to physical therapy
we've been driving past some old familiar places.
Below are pictures of my very 1st church... it used to belong to
First Assembly of God. When I was about a week old my
parents brought me to church for the first time, and from
then on I was there "every time the church doors were open."
When I was in Jr. High we moved to a bigger building.

Inside this building I ...
-experienced the power & love of Jesus
-heard the wonderful stories of Jesus from incredibly
loving & dedicated teachers & Pastors
- was baptised in Water
- was filled with the Holy Spirit
- learned how to communicate during sermons w/out talking
(hey, I loved Jesus, but I WAS a kid, too!)
- learned how to read the "evil eye" from my Mom that meant
I'd better be quiet or I'd be in serious trouble
- learned what real friendship is like
- made decisions that would affect the rest of my life
Truly, I'm grateful for parents who serve(d) God wholeheartedly
and for the dear Pastors, teachers & church family who invested
in my life!
(If You've ever been encouraged by anything I've ever said or done,
then you, too, can be thankful for the beautiful Christian people
who were part of my first church!)
This is great! It's cool to see where we've come from! Love you!
I love this stuff! In plannning for my parents' anniversary party I've been in contact with people from my childhood and from my parents' lives before marriage... it's been really cool! Thanks for sharing some of your past! and be sure to pass along our thanks to those who helped guide and move you toward our Heavenly Father and His will for your life! Love you!
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