"Waiting is Poopy!"
I've said it, too. Quite a lot lately, but just to myself!
Our lives currently sit in a holding pattern as we
wait for Jesus to reveal details regarding the next
church plant in Detroit.
Waiting isn't a mistake. It's purposeful.
The following is taken from my journal entry just a few days ago...

Selfishness overwhelms me.
Desires of "what I think I need"
are constantly fighting with my faith.
Of course I know better than to do this.
Of course my heart knows Jesus' way is the best way!
Why do I battle?
Sin is ugly. Sneaky. Sly.
It parades proudly like the "normal desires of all people."
"Normal" all right!
Normal as SIN.
Forgive me.
Forgive my sin of "want."
It hold me captive.
It feeds me lies that I believe.
Please forgive me for trying to fulfill my own needs;
it only adds to my bondage.
Jesus, YOU are Liberating King.
Your plans.
Your will.
Your direction.
You ARE joy! Freedom! Song!
Today... YOU!
Always YOU!
YES!!!!!!! So good Netta, I really needed to hear that today :) Thanks for the transparency and the encouragement.
that's gooding thx!
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