Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Will you just...

"Mommy... I want a cuppie."
"Mommy... can I have a snack."
"I'm hungry."
"Can I go outside?"

Wait, Baby. Hang on. I'm taking care of you.

"Hey Mama, You're pweety."
"You're nice, Mommy."
"Wow, you're so cool, Mommy."

Thank you, Baby. But will you please
just be really quiet and listen to me for a minute?"


"Jesus.... I need this situation taken care of."
"Lord, please help me figure this out."
"Jesus, can you please do this for me?"

"Wait, Child. I'm taking care of you."

"Lord, of course You are. You're so great."
"Jesus, I love you & you're so awesome and cool."
"Wow, Lord, you do the most amazing things."

"Thank you, Child, but will you please just
be still and listen to me?"

Ps. 46:10


Unknown said...

i like this! a lot.

reminded to zip it long enough for HIM to speak!!!

thanks, netta! :)

Anonymous said...

ah...I needed that, thanks!!!
Love and miss you like crazy Netta!
Jeni Bell

Dana said...

Great Word! Simple, to the Point, and hit right to the heart!

Ruth Chowdhury said...

Ah... Such great application. Kids teach us so much!

Lana said...

Thanks for the perspective!

GrannyP said...

awesome. loved it

Margie said...

oh that was great!