No... I'm not expecting a baby!
This weekend I attended a wonderful
baby shower - and was honored to be there!
During the baby shower we were asked a rather thought
provoking question:
"What advice would you give the Mommy-to-Be?"
Now, this Mommy-to-Be is an adorable, Jesus-loving,
hubby-lovin', bubbly, child-loving, outgoing, beautiful person!
It IS her first baby, but it was hard to think of "advice" for her.
She loves Jesus and she loves her husband, she obviously
cherishes her calling to ministry, her church family and the
many gifts she's been given. So... um... what do ya say?
I was reminded that Parenthood is extremely personal.
Of course there are constants that remain forever -
- stay in the Word & in communication with Jesus
- keep on lovin' that baby's Daddy/your Husband
- pray for your kids
- be consistant
- be a parent, not a friend
- etc...
But I have to admit that there were a few "newer moms"
(with kids that were toddlers or younger) who stated a few
things as "definately must-do's"... ) and I had to chuckle.
Several ladies mentioned that having
"a consistant naptime and bedtime is essential!!!"
Five kids and nearly 17 years into this parenting thing and
I have never done that.... nor do I advise it cart blanc.
I'm sure it works for many, and I wouldn't argue with them.
But, here's my deal...
My life changed when baby arrived, and so did my ministry
responsibilities, but my calling never did. There are already
many things that I gladly don't attend because of the children,
but to stick myself into a tight, unforgiving nap schedule
and sleep schedule is nuts!
It seems so wise & all-knowing, but wait until you throw
kid #2 into the mix, and see how that works out.
You'd never be able to leave the house! (cuz their sleep
schedules don't usually jive!)
My kids love people because we love people!
They learned to fall asleep on our shoulders, in their seat,
in the car, on a bench, etc... and wake up happy cuz people
were around. Although they can have their moments of
"crankies," they adapt to our schedule and our lives.
Sure, when we're home, they have pretty regular times of
doing things, but we do NOT stop our plans & completely
stop our lives in order for a little one to sleep.
That is a quick recipe for a frustrated, unfulfilled, and possibly
anger, pastor's wife.
I determined long ago NOT to be one of them!
Parenting require changes... LOTS of them.
But establish your "new life" with God's leading, NOT because
someone told you that "you should."
He's given you all you need to parent - because HE'S IN you!
So, Parents, books are good... but God's Word is GREAT!!!!!
So, I guess I was reminded that we shouldn't make
absolute statements unless it's an absolute truth.
(and most of those come straight from God's Word!)
This weekend I attended a wonderful
baby shower - and was honored to be there!
During the baby shower we were asked a rather thought
provoking question:
"What advice would you give the Mommy-to-Be?"
Now, this Mommy-to-Be is an adorable, Jesus-loving,
hubby-lovin', bubbly, child-loving, outgoing, beautiful person!
It IS her first baby, but it was hard to think of "advice" for her.
She loves Jesus and she loves her husband, she obviously
cherishes her calling to ministry, her church family and the
many gifts she's been given. So... um... what do ya say?
I was reminded that Parenthood is extremely personal.
Of course there are constants that remain forever -
- stay in the Word & in communication with Jesus
- keep on lovin' that baby's Daddy/your Husband
- pray for your kids
- be consistant
- be a parent, not a friend
- etc...
But I have to admit that there were a few "newer moms"
(with kids that were toddlers or younger) who stated a few
things as "definately must-do's"... ) and I had to chuckle.
Several ladies mentioned that having
"a consistant naptime and bedtime is essential!!!"
Five kids and nearly 17 years into this parenting thing and
I have never done that.... nor do I advise it cart blanc.
I'm sure it works for many, and I wouldn't argue with them.
But, here's my deal...
My life changed when baby arrived, and so did my ministry
responsibilities, but my calling never did. There are already
many things that I gladly don't attend because of the children,
but to stick myself into a tight, unforgiving nap schedule
and sleep schedule is nuts!
It seems so wise & all-knowing, but wait until you throw
kid #2 into the mix, and see how that works out.
You'd never be able to leave the house! (cuz their sleep
schedules don't usually jive!)
My kids love people because we love people!
They learned to fall asleep on our shoulders, in their seat,
in the car, on a bench, etc... and wake up happy cuz people
were around. Although they can have their moments of
"crankies," they adapt to our schedule and our lives.
Sure, when we're home, they have pretty regular times of
doing things, but we do NOT stop our plans & completely
stop our lives in order for a little one to sleep.
That is a quick recipe for a frustrated, unfulfilled, and possibly
anger, pastor's wife.
I determined long ago NOT to be one of them!
Parenting require changes... LOTS of them.
But establish your "new life" with God's leading, NOT because
someone told you that "you should."
He's given you all you need to parent - because HE'S IN you!
So, Parents, books are good... but God's Word is GREAT!!!!!
So, I guess I was reminded that we shouldn't make
absolute statements unless it's an absolute truth.
(and most of those come straight from God's Word!)
you've been parenting for almost 17 years... wowzas!
loved.... LOVED this post. I am so encouraged!
what a great post! so true!
"...but we do NOT stop our plans & completely
stop our lives in order for a little one to sleep.
That is a quick recipe for a frustrated, unfulfilled, and possibly
anger, pastor's wife.
I determined long ago NOT to be one of them!"
Wise words from a very wise pastor's wife. Thank you so much!
Netta, thanks for modeling life ALL-IN for the Lord Jesus WITH your family. Ruth and I used to be very rigid on our approach to many things regarding parenting. Some of it was good but good enough. Some was just our pride! It's amazing how even our kids are refreshed and more resilient because they are engaging in eternal things (even without a nap or past their bedtime...!)
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