Oh... the horror!
This is Hershal... and he just embarrassed me... AGAIN!
You just never know what that guy is gunna say! :)
Yesterday was so much fun... kids' Christmas program... and
Hershal went downstairs to talk to the kids afterwards! I LOVE
REAL CHURCH ... and I wanna post a few pics from that
later. My husband has some great updates & a pic on his
blog today!
and the MIRACLES!.....
Our offerings this weekend were, um... well even less than our
usual inner-city church offerings. But then, a young lady told a
friend that she didn't want to receive a Christmas present from him
but would rather have him donate it... and yeah... so he wrote a
check to the church in her honor! God knew!
ALSO... despite our efforts to be frugal, creative and wise, money
has become kinda scarce. On Saturday I received a Christmas card
from my Aunt and cousins.... it said that they decided to forgo presents
to each other this year in order to bless our family/ministry! Needless
to say.... I cried as I read it.
I cried several times that evening.
I cried yesterday during church as I thanked Jesus.
I'm crying now!
Thank you, family!
It's so humbling and wonderful to have family members who are willing
to change their plans and give... that's so like Jesus!
Thank you, Jesus..... Thank you for thinking of us during YOUR
BIRTHDAY! I'm honored to serve Him!
Happy Birthday, Jesus!
oh man...so good to hear about how things always work out. It was a great weekend. I hope I get to see hershel one day!
I love your kids, and your family, and you! So happy to be here, thanks for being our friends! God is so awesome, He is always working things out for us! Tell Chase hi!!
im crying as I read this! God is so amazing! SO amazing! I hope you have an awesome Christmas, Netta! I love and miss you!!
Oh, what a sweet gesture by your aunt. That was so kind of her and what a wonderful way to bless your family this holiday.
Happy holidays, Netta! Thank you for being such a great friend!
Wow - wow - wow~ THANK YOU for sharing these testimonies of God's goodness, and the way He uses His people! I LOVE YOU!
isn't GOD awesome! and so are you. So blessed that you are blessed.
Love you and have a great Christmas.
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