He's adorable. He's being a good sport about it.
I'm sad and just want to kiss his little face continually.
But, one of his little eyes persists in doing it's own thing.
So, the glasses are a welcome answer to prayer.
Doing "our own thing" isn't always a good thing, is it?
Sometimes Jesus must gently make us aware that He's
going one direction and we're trying to go another...
-and it's not getting us anywhere
-and it actually hurts (Chasey says, "It huts")
Sometimes I need spiritual glasses...
a realigning of my heart & focus so that it's looking
in the same direction as the heart of God.

It's not easy.

If only my spiritual correction could look as cute as a
little blond boy in his new "gasses." (as he says it)
if this is the case, I need pop-bottled lenses!!
listening to your message from this morning!!! i loove you! :)
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