Friday, October 29, 2010
Look out the Window
Max, come look at all the birds out our window!
Mom, they're eating the berries from our trees & bushes. How come?
God created the berries for the birds.
I'm glad God picked this house for us and the berries for them.
Me, too, Max.
Me, too.
My daughter, Courtney, posted some really cool pics she took
from a recent walk. I love the last one best.. the reflection in the
water is super beautiful!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wordless Wednesday, Oct 27, 2010
I took a break from painting our bathrooms
to play in the leave with the kids.
Some of the leaves were HUGE!
All of the kids are gorgeous!
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, October 25, 2010
Talk-to-Myself-Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010
My family says I
talk to myself, but
I prefer to think of it
as "thinking out loud!"
Here's what I've been
thinkin' lately...
- Paint Primer really does stick to all surfaces...
just take a peek at my hair
- Insecurity brings out such yuckiness
- By tomorrow night our family bathroom will be an
adorable shade of pale green/blue
- I really do enjoy painting
- Just because I enjoy something doesn't mean I'm
great at it
- But, if I practice today & I'll be better tomorrow
- Everyday I ask Jesus for creativity because the older
I get the less often great kids-ideas pop into my head... sigh

- Dollar movie theaters are such
a fun way to enjoy
a day off with the family,
especially on Mondays
when the $1 movie is 1/2 price!
- Del Taco's $ .39 tacos make a
cheap dinner to follow
the 1/2 price dollar movie days
- How awesome! The whole fam gets dinner & movie
for a total of $13... now that's a frugal day out!!!
- Nanny McFee Returns ... ADORABLE
- TMJ, hurts
- Jesus desires to change me... daily
- I really want to hang up shelves & then paint, paint, paint!
- Naps! Aww, they're so nice
Menu Plan Monday, Oct. 25, 2010
Lunch- Bird's Nest
Dinner- TBA
Lunch- French Fry Salad
Dinner- Turkey, Rice
Dinner- Ham & Homemade Rice-a-Roni
Lunch- Grilled Cheese & Canned Soup
Dinner-Dorito Casserole
Lunch- Turkey & Rice Soup
Dinner- Pizza
Lunch- Homemade Mac & Cheese
Dinner- Messy Max's (aka "Sloppy Joes)

SUNDAY, Oct. 31st
Lunch- Crock Pot Gumbo & Rice
Dinner- TBA
Don't Pamper the Theif
He was a King!
Tall. Handsome. Brave.... well, at one time he'd been brave.
His insecurities made him a people-pleaser.
He listened to people instead of obeying God.
He then justified his actions.
Those following him did what he did...
They were robbed of God's blessing & protection.
It's steals SO much.
Don't pamper it.
Don't feed it by thinking about yourself all the time.
Choose to think about TRUTH!
Tall. Handsome. Brave.... well, at one time he'd been brave.
His insecurities made him a people-pleaser.
He listened to people instead of obeying God.
He then justified his actions.
Those following him did what he did...
They were robbed of God's blessing & protection.
It's steals SO much.
Don't pamper it.
Don't feed it by thinking about yourself all the time.
Choose to think about TRUTH!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Life in the D & Mistaken Identity
Mistaken identity sometimes gets the good-guy caught
instead of the bad. Well, at least in the movies, and we just
watched a movie about that last night.
But then today...
- Drove 1/2 hour south of the city with 3 of my kids
to pick up a my daughter's friend
- On the highway home, just a couple of minutes from our house
I suddenly hear zillions of sirens
- The sight in my rearview mirror makes me JUMP!
- There's about 5 police cars behind & almost beside me!
- Lights flashing! Sirens blasting!
- Where in the world did they just come from!
- Have I been in their way? Was I daydreaming?
- I've gotta get out of their way, QUICKLY
- I pull over.
- So do they.
- All of them. Marked cars. Unmarked Cars. Pull over.
- Wait? WHAT?
- I wasn't even speeding.
- Officers. Uniformed & in street clothes w/badges hanging around
their necks.
- I roll down my window and stick my head out to hear what he's yelling
- "Roll down ALL your windows!"
- I do.
- An officer cautiously but quickly approaches my window
- His gun is drawn!
- He looks inside. At me. At the kids, who are as clueless as I am.
- Officers on 3 sides of the car. Guns drawn!
- WHAT in the WORLD?
- The officer at my window yells over his shoulder
that we're "not the ones"
- (I know! I know! We're not!)
- At another window an officer asks where I've been & had I been downtown.
- No! I tell him where we were & what highways we'd used.
- He tells me there's a car exactly like mine that is going around downtown
today bashing (or stealing) cars.
- They tell me I can go
- In a second they're in their cars, leaving
- Just like that....
- My heart was pounding.
- I wish I'd told them I appreciate what they do.
- I wish I'd told them that I'm grateful for their protection.
- I did, however, use this incident to explain to my little boys that we don't have
to be afraid of the policemen because they were working at catching the
"bad guys" and as soon as they saw who we were, they went on.
- Now, this afternoon, I keep on praying for those officers, and for
their search
Grateful to live in the Protection of JESUS!
Grateful that He's called me to live in Detroit!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wordless Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010
on a Sunday morning in the fall.
(This pic on the top of my blog was also taken
in the same area on the way to church a couple
of weeks eariler. What a beautiful drive to church, huh?)
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Talk-to-Myself-Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2010
My family tells me I talk to myself...
I prefer to think of it as "thinking outloud!"
Either way, here's what I've been saying...
- We can't expect God to guard our hearts if we're
unwilling to guard our mouths.
- When we had 11
friends over the
other night. I may
have purchased
too many donuts.
- Who needs work-out videos when you can
purchase a can of paint & get yourself going
on a painting project. Bend, squat, reach, lung,
dip, stretch, kneel, bend, etc...
- Sweet-Potato Bread may be a new favorite fall food.
- I miss my friend, Jodi. (She lives out East & we
haven't seen each other in over 5 years! sigh)
- My kids make me laugh. (especially when they
dance, tell original knock-knock jokes or make up
- I'm a halloween scrooge. Maybe it's just cuz I've been
coming up with cheap/free costume ideas for
18 yrs and I have a zillion years to go. But whatever
the reason, ugh. So far we have a pirate... and... um...
Bah Humbug!
-So blessed to have been
given a swing set from
a kind lady who also
gave my boys a
trunk-full of clothes!!
- When our mouth is left to spout what it wants it
just reveals that our heart is selfish. (see the 1st thing
I listed on the post)
Menu Plan Monday, Oct. 18, 2010
Lunch- Homemade Rice-A-Roni
Dinner- Roast in the Crock-pot (didn't cook it last week),
Bkd potato & fresh Asparagus
Lunch- Homemade Mac & Cheese
Dinner- Crock pot Chicken, Broccoli
Lunch- Chicken Wraps (leftover chicken from Tue)
Dinner- Beef Stew
Lunch- Grilled Cheese, Apples
Dinner- Turkey in the crock-pot (experimenting for
Lunch- Chicken Tortilla Soup
Dinner- Pizza
Lunch- Scrambled Eggs, Biscuits
Dinner- Turkey Pot Pie
Lunch- TBA
Dinner- Gumbo over Rice
It helps me to have a bit more than a week
planned, so I added a few more days...
MONDAY, Oct. 25
Lunch- Pancakes w/Apples Foster
Dinner- TBA
TUESDAY, Oct. 26
Lunch- French Fry Salad
Dinner- Dorito Casserole
Dinner- Chili
For more ideas check out
Friday, October 15, 2010
Netta's NICHE- French Fry Salad
The name slips my mind.
It was a small restaurant on a main street of a fairly small town.
We were newly weds and would eat at that little place once in a while.
They served it there.
All these years later, a version of that dish sometimes shows up on my
weekly menus. The little restaurant called it STEAK SALAD!
If you know me well, you know that ANYTHING with STEAK on it
if gunna be on the top of my list! mmmm
So salad with steak... awesome.
BUT... the real zinger here is what was served around the edges
of that giant steak salad.... FRENCH FRIES!
Today we don't have steak in our salad too often, but we do
have salads for lunch. No one gets excited about that.
BUT... if it's salad with FRENCH FRIES on the top...
well, that's reason for a jumping for joy!
Here's the ridiculously easy way to make those Joy-inducing fries:
The thinner you cut them the quicker they cook.
Usually I toss'um in Oil, salt & garlic powder.
Today I used a bit of leftover pasta sauce, oil & seasoning salt.
Turned out pretty good.
(Plain oil version is our fav)

Spread on baking sheet. Cook at 425 degrees
for approx. 30-45 min. Turn once.
(If you want them crispier, turn on the
broiler for a couple minutes. DO NOT
walk away! They'll burn in seconds!...
not that I've ever done that or anything.
hee hee)
Serve on top of a tossed green salad.
(Our family uses Ranch, Bleu Cheese or
Thousand Island Dressing on it.)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sometimes people...
Sometimes the very thing people fear
is exactly the thing they run to
while trying so hard to stay away from it.
The only way to avoid this is to truly know the author of love
... JESUS!
(I John 4:16-18)
Run to Him.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Our house sat empty for months before we bought it.
It was in decent condition, but the weeds were starting
to feel right at home.

Honestly, we've only lived here a few weeks and I
had already stopped noticing them.
I was used to those weeds.
They were almost decorative.
But then...
Our friends came to the rescue!
About 15 of our wonderful friends came over on Saturday
and pulled weeds, and raked, and pulled weeks, and
helped fix the pipes so we can water the lawn next spring,
and did I mention that they pulled weeds?
It was in decent condition, but the weeds were starting
to feel right at home.
Honestly, we've only lived here a few weeks and I
had already stopped noticing them.
I was used to those weeds.
They were almost decorative.
But then...
Our friends came to the rescue!
About 15 of our wonderful friends came over on Saturday
and pulled weeds, and raked, and pulled weeks, and
helped fix the pipes so we can water the lawn next spring,
and did I mention that they pulled weeds?
My life is the same.
So is your life.
We have areas that we ignore, don't wanna deal with,
so we don't.
Then weeds grow. Little compromises that junk up our lives.
Little attitudes that are sin. Plain & simple.
We get used to them.
It takes honest, Jesus-lovin' friends to point'um out
and help us decide to get rid of the weeds.
Then, great friends go the next step, too, and
help us establish a working system (like the water pipes)
that will keep the healthy growth happening.
Do you have friends like this?
You must BE one to have one.
(and your life must be respectable before you can
earn the right to speak truth into a friend's life)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Menu Plan Monday, 10-11-10
Sanity is Baaack!
I haven't planned out meals
in detail for over a month...
and it's been driving us all crazy!
Kids: "Mom, what's for lunch?"
Me: "Food." (cuz I have no idea)
Kids: "What kinda food?"
Me: "The kind you eat."
Kids: "Mom!!!"
(I've even that the same
conversation with my husband!)
Not good
Lunch- Scrambled Eggs & Toast
Dinner- Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Lunch- Cream of Broccoli Soup
Dinner- Crock Pot Chicken & Biscuits
Lunch- Grilled Cheese & Bacon Sandwiches
Dinner- Vegetable Chow Mein
Lunch- Veggie Wrap Sandwiches
Dinner- Chili in the Crock Pot over mashed potatoes
Lunch- Steak Salad w/french fries
Dinner- Homemade W. Wheat Pizza
Lunch- TBA
Dinner- Taco Bowls
Lunch- Crock Pot Chicken Gumbo over rice
Dinner- Stuffed Baked Potatoes
For more ideas check out Organizing Junkie
I haven't planned out meals
in detail for over a month...
and it's been driving us all crazy!
![]() |
Kids: "Mom, what's for lunch?"
Me: "Food." (cuz I have no idea)
Kids: "What kinda food?"
Me: "The kind you eat."
Kids: "Mom!!!"
(I've even that the same
conversation with my husband!)
Not good
Lunch- Scrambled Eggs & Toast
Dinner- Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Lunch- Cream of Broccoli Soup
Dinner- Crock Pot Chicken & Biscuits
Lunch- Grilled Cheese & Bacon Sandwiches
Dinner- Vegetable Chow Mein
Lunch- Veggie Wrap Sandwiches
Dinner- Chili in the Crock Pot over mashed potatoes
Lunch- Steak Salad w/french fries
Dinner- Homemade W. Wheat Pizza
Lunch- TBA
Dinner- Taco Bowls
Lunch- Crock Pot Chicken Gumbo over rice
Dinner- Stuffed Baked Potatoes
For more ideas check out Organizing Junkie
Friday, October 8, 2010
But I followed the Rules...
People of every surrounding city were afraid of him.
Kings' hearts melted in fear.
He was takin the Promised Land by storm...
One of my favs.
He took on a big job and just DID it!
God directed, he obeyed.
But then there was that ONE time...
That time in Joshua 9 where he was super
aware of God's rules -
"Don't make a peace treaty with any country that is nearby!"
but... still broke'um.
Here's how he did it:
- Joshua used his own wisdom By looking at the enemy
it appeared that their story checked out.
HUMAN Wisdom... faulty!
(Josh. 9:14)
- He failed to ask God about the situation. (vs. 14)
Just following the rules with our own human insight is NOT
enough to get the job done... and those following us will
pay a price.
Whether you're leading a ministry, a family or a group
of friends, your choices will leave a mark.
Sure... OBEY God... of course.
But TALK to Him.
ASK for His insight.
LISTEN to His specific leading!
I'm sure Joshua (and all the Israelites from that era)
would tell you the same.
Kings' hearts melted in fear.
He was takin the Promised Land by storm...
One of my favs.
He took on a big job and just DID it!
God directed, he obeyed.
But then there was that ONE time...
That time in Joshua 9 where he was super
aware of God's rules -
"Don't make a peace treaty with any country that is nearby!"
but... still broke'um.
Here's how he did it:
- Joshua used his own wisdom By looking at the enemy
it appeared that their story checked out.
HUMAN Wisdom... faulty!
(Josh. 9:14)
- He failed to ask God about the situation. (vs. 14)
Just following the rules with our own human insight is NOT
enough to get the job done... and those following us will
pay a price.
Whether you're leading a ministry, a family or a group
of friends, your choices will leave a mark.
Sure... OBEY God... of course.
But TALK to Him.
ASK for His insight.
LISTEN to His specific leading!
I'm sure Joshua (and all the Israelites from that era)
would tell you the same.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Happy B-day, Chase
This cute little guy had a birthday this weekend!
We had lotsa fun celebrating with him.
Besides getting to bowl at church & share cookies with his
friends, he had friends over later to play & decorate their
own cupcakes.
Happy B-day, Chasey. You're my little present from Jesus!
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