Jesus has a plan & for whatever reason
He's called us to be a part of it.
It's been over 5 years since we moved
here... and we have fallen in love with
The D!
This summer we're taking in the
sites & fun. Here's a few things we've
done in the last couple of weeks!
(Not in order!)

Chilly & I celebrated our 20th Ann.
at Comerica Park and even saw the
huge fireworks over the city that night!

I love this man! xoxox
Took my youngest 3 kids & visiting niece to
the Detroit Science Center! So fun!
(That membership Mom bought us has been
used over & over. We love it!)
Dance party at home! Always fun!
Always Free! and always funny!

HUGE playground at Belle Isle - have you
ever seen a double-decker merry-go-round?
Free Fun!

A round swing? They loved it.
Swimming in the Detroit River at Belle Isle.
(Hey, it's clean... well, I mean.. um COLD!..
just ask Zoe!) Free.
Freezing Water. But Free!

Free Fun! Playing in the fountains behind the
GM buildings! (Those buildings behind
the fountains & across the river
are in CANADA! Weird, huh?)

This kids inside the GM RenCen
And, below...
a little impromptu hide-N-seek at Old Navy!
(also free... not the clothes, but the hiding!)