Our school year is beginning again.
Yeah... we start in October and go through May.
We work hard during the "school year" and enjoy
our loooong summer break! (don't hate us!)
I'm ready...
well, I have a couple of lessons plans to complete
for the first few weeks, but I'm ready for...
-the joy of learning
-the fun of something new
-"field trips" to museums, the apple orchard, FORD Plant
-songs, skits, crafts and projects
-memorizing more scripture & using the memory verse Box
-coordinating tv shows around curriculum themes
-watching the growth in my kids in body, mind & spirit!
-seeing the amazing creativity and depth with which they live
-searching websites & blogs for memory making ideas that
connect to the subjects they're studying
-remember & relearning info that I've forgotten over the x
amount of years I've been outa school
-regular trips to the library
It's our 5th fall as "homeschoolers"... I still sorta cringe when I
hear that word associated with us.
But it's what GOD directed us to do... and so we are!
We're not the stereotypical h.s. family.
We're still very much US...
Let school begin... AGAIN!

Currently Reading The Shape of Mercy: A Novel By Susan Meissner see related |